UMi Sat Nav for Business
Wherever you are on your business journey, by taking the hard work out of finding and using the best information, expertise and finance, UMi Sat Nav will get you there quicker and in better shape.
Helping businesses do more and go further
Since 2007, we’ve worked with 630,000 businesses across the UK, defraying £325m in grants and loans, leveraging £640m of private investment, creating or safeguarding 43,000 jobs and facilitating contract wins worth £187m.
UMi Sat Nav for Business
Wherever you are on your business journey, by taking the hard work out of finding and using the best information, expertise and finance, UMi Sat Nav will get you there quicker and in better shape.
Helping businesses do more and go further
Since 2007, we’ve worked with 630,000 businesses across the UK, defraying £325m in grants and loans, leveraging £640m of private investment, creating or safeguarding 43,000 jobs and facilitating contract wins worth £187m.
We Make it Easier for Businesses with the Best Information, Expertise and Finance.
Whether you're a public sector partner who wants to help local businesses, or a private sector organisation with valuable experience to share, we can help you make a real difference.
We don’t operate a one-size-fits-all solution. Talk to us about your objectives and we'll tailor our support to suit your needs.

Business Support
We work out what a business requires and give them what they need to make it happen via one-to-one support, events and programmes.

Finance & Funding
We design, manage and secure funds for businesses to make it easier for them to survive and thrive.

Sat Nav
We deliver a low-cost, on-demand service, providing actionable and scalable support directly to the businesses you work with.
Businesses We've Helped Go Further.
We’ve helped many businesses find and use the best information, expertise and finance they needed to get them to where they want to be. Read about some of our recent success stories.

Grant gets Transmission Dynamics' building back on track
A £500,000 grant from the North of Tyne Growth Fund (NTGF) is helping Cramlington-based Transmission Dynamics to build a new hybrid office, warehouse and engineering facility to accommodate its expanding team and realise its growth potential, with 50 new jobs on the horizon.

Golden opportunity for Datatron growth
An £80,000 grant from the North of Tyne Growth Fund (NTGF) has enabled document management specialist Datatron to successfully bid for a five-year NHS contract. The new warehouse investment boosts the company’s long-term growth potential and will bring more work to the North East, securing and creating over eight new jobs.

Nev Consultancy accelerates growth with Digital Drive
County Durham-based entrepreneur Tony Neville has seen demand soar for his retail consultancy since investing in digital equipment to expand his services with the support of Digital Drive County Durham.

Grant funding supports growth journey for UK's largest high-quality wood flooring manufacturer
With support from Durham Business Growth to access valuable grant funding and expertise, Woodland Floors Ltd is driving growth through innovation, efficiency, and upskilling staff.

Digital Drive empowers Max Purpose Psychology to flourish online
Business Durham’s Digital Drive County Durham, a £4m programme funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), has supported Max Purpose Psychology to buy new technology and develop new digital skills.

Writing a new future for those with neuromotor impairments
Healthcare technology is such a perfect example of the strength of UK research and innovation on the world stage because companies like Scottish start-up Manus Neurodynamica are developing real solutions to conditions that - despite the advance of modern medicine - still require digital solutions to further improve the standards of care.

Durham Business Growth Support Pattinson & Milburn Training Limited
Watch this video to see how a business has benefited from support from Durham Business Growth and learn how your business could too!

£1,000 grant for digital equipment helps secure more business for Zedcomms
When you’re running a business on your own, every minute counts. Investing in digital technologies can make a real difference to your profitability, as Paul Harper Owner of Zedcomms found, after accessing Business Durham’s Digital Drive County Durham programme.

LED By Vision gain new customers after working with Growth Hub
LED By Vision’s positive experience of the free Growth Service has helped them get huge traction with their new Smart System – EnabLED. The business has received new custom as a direct result of their work with the Growth Hub, as well as mentoring and support with their overall strategy.

£89,000 grant helps Norfran future-proof for exponential growth
New machinery purchased with the support of the North of Tyne Growth Fund is driving efficiencies and attracting more work for diecasting foundry and machine shop, Norfran.

Turning Passion into a Game-Changing New Bike Brand with support from Durham Business Growth
Building More than a Bike Shop: Inspiral Cycles’ Community-Centred Approach was supported by the Durham Business Growth Programme through funding and mentorship.

GB Belting use funding to further business success
With over 30 years’ experience in conveyor belting, read about how GB Belting accessed a grant from Tees Valley Business Compass, which is delivered by UMi, and used it to purchase three machines which then created two new roles within the company.

Crook-based photographer captures social media success
Photographer Ritchie Coatsworth, who owns his own studio in Crook, saw enquiries flood in within hours of attending a Digital Drive County Durham social media workshop.

A new digital lease of life for Hallwood Hats
In common with many businesses, Andrew Hall, an expert in woodturning and owner of Hallwood Hats, found his business’ survival threatened by the coronavirus lockdown. Forced to re-evaluate his business model, the County Durham-based entrepreneur says financial support and business advice from Digital Drive has given him and his business a new lease of life.

Village Barber targets international growth
Training with a master barber after leaving school in 1979, Iain Kane has seen many changes in men’s fashions and in his business since then. Now, the Langley Park-based entrepreneur is hoping to take his business further with the launch of his new, upscaled e-commerce website, supported by Digital Drive County Durham.

DABS helps Clare write her own story
Durham based start-up Aniseed Creative is off to a great start, finding new clients and a supportive network through the Durham Ambitious Business Start-ups (DABS) programme.

Grant gets Transmission Dynamics' building back on track
A £500,000 grant from the North of Tyne Growth Fund (NTGF) is helping Cramlington-based Transmission Dynamics to build a new hybrid office, warehouse and engineering facility to accommodate its expanding team and realise its growth potential, with 50 new jobs on the horizon.

Golden opportunity for Datatron growth
An £80,000 grant from the North of Tyne Growth Fund (NTGF) has enabled document management specialist Datatron to successfully bid for a five-year NHS contract. The new warehouse investment boosts the company’s long-term growth potential and will bring more work to the North East, securing and creating over eight new jobs.

Nev Consultancy accelerates growth with Digital Drive
County Durham-based entrepreneur Tony Neville has seen demand soar for his retail consultancy since investing in digital equipment to expand his services with the support of Digital Drive County Durham.

Grant funding supports growth journey for UK's largest high-quality wood flooring manufacturer
With support from Durham Business Growth to access valuable grant funding and expertise, Woodland Floors Ltd is driving growth through innovation, efficiency, and upskilling staff.

Digital Drive empowers Max Purpose Psychology to flourish online
Business Durham’s Digital Drive County Durham, a £4m programme funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), has supported Max Purpose Psychology to buy new technology and develop new digital skills.

Writing a new future for those with neuromotor impairments
Healthcare technology is such a perfect example of the strength of UK research and innovation on the world stage because companies like Scottish start-up Manus Neurodynamica are developing real solutions to conditions that - despite the advance of modern medicine - still require digital solutions to further improve the standards of care.
Programmes we've helped deliver.
From showcase events and national campaigns to digital transformation and fund management, we've delivered some amazing programmes across the UK to help businesses do more and go further.

Social Entrepreneurs Index
The Social Entrepreneur Index campaign celebrates the social impact, creativity and innovation of the UK’s most inspiring social entrepreneurs. The campaign focuses on the entrepreneurs behind the businesses, telling their story and providing inspiration to thousands of others to do more and go further in their businesses.

Scottish enterprise trade visit to New York
This USA Trade Mission, organised on behalf of Scottish Development International, saw 16 Scottish SME’s travelling to the New York to participate in a week-long Market Visit. The trade mission was cross-sectoral, however there was a strong focus on textiles as the visit coincided with New York Fashion Week.

Croydon Built To Compete
Croydon Built to Compete 2 (BTC2) was designed to help Croydon-based organisations in winning new business within the public and private sector. The overall aim of the initiative was to open supply chains, identify procurement opportunities for SMEs in the Borough of Croydon and to promote supplier diversity and sustainable procurement to professionals in major supply chains.

Digital Enterprise Top 100 and 30 Campaign
These two campaigns showcased the remarkable achievements of the businesses who received funding support from Digital Enterprise (DE) through two digital publications and an in-print version for DE30, as well as a wrap-up event for each project.

Business Support Service
The government’s Business Support Service for England offers advice and guidance to new and existing businesses. It has information on national and local schemes, grants and loans to help businesses start and grow.

Let’s Grow Programme
The Let’s Grow Programme provided grants from £25,000 to £1m to cover up to 30% of costs to invest, expand and create or safeguard jobs. Let’s Grow was funded by the Regional Growth Fund, local authorities in the North East and Tees Valley and the York and North Yorkshire Enterprise Partnership.

Power to Change
Power to Change provided grants ranging between £50,000 and £500,000, distributed through several targeted programmes with different objectives. As well as providing money, Power to Change offered advice and support to strengthen community businesses.

Business Growth Vouchers
As well as traditional grant schemes, UMi also delivers voucher schemes that enable small businesses to get expert help from the private sector to go further. We have delivered Business Growth Vouchers for the Department for Business and City of York Council.

Visit County Durham Digital Improvement Grant
A grant scheme to help tourism and hospitality businesses in County Durham recover from the Covid-19 pandemic by investing in digital technologies and professional services to help them secure more customers, increase their revenues and make them more productive.

UMi Debt Finance Scotland
UMi Debt Finance Scotland provides loan capital to small and medium sized businesses across Scotland. The £12m fund helps accelerate the growth of businesses in Scotland, complementing other private and public sector forms of funding. The Fund typically advances loans of £25,001 and £250,000 to support actively trading Scottish businesses.

COVID-19 Response Funds
Grants schemes for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and self-employed individuals delivered for The Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise, Tees Valley Combined Authority, York and North Yorkshire Enterprise Partnership and West Yorkshire Combined Authority.

Tees Valley Business Compass
Tees Valley Business Compass was a local Growth Hub for the Teesside area, providing support and funding for ambitious companies looking to grow. Supporting thousands of local businesses, using European Regional Development Funding (ERDF) secured by Tees Valley Combined Authority, it helped to provide funding opportunities to secure grants and supplement growth.

Enterprise M3 Growth Hub
The Enterprise M3 Growth Hub provided free, expert advice and a resource network for new and existing businesses across Surrey and Hampshire, including delivery of an intensive programme of coaching for high growth businesses.

SSI Emergency Response Taskforce
This scheme aimed to support all supply chain companies nationwide affected by the closure of the SSI steelworks in Redcar. It provided short term immediate grant aid in the form of working capital to support these companies to continue trading or to seek new business.

Sustainable cities mission to Chongqing and Changsha, China
On behalf of UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) Construction & Infrastructure Team, UMi organised an outward mission to China, visiting the cities of Chongqing and Changsha. The attendees included representatives of 12 large and small UK companies involved in delivering sustainable solutions in the developing urban environment in China’s second tier status cities.

Tees Valley Business Summit
The Tees Valley Business Summit is an annual event that welcomes exhibiting businesses, industry leaders, owners and managers from across Tees Valley, alongside a busy schedule of workshops and networking.

Scottish enterprise trade visit to South Africa
This Trade Mission, delivered by UMi on behalf of Scottish Enterprise, focussed on the cities of Johannesburg and Cape Town in South Africa. The market visit saw 11 Scottish SME’s travelling to South Africa to participate in a week-long Market Visit. The trade mission was cross-sectoral, with a wide range of businesses attending.

Social Entrepreneurs Index
The Social Entrepreneur Index campaign celebrates the social impact, creativity and innovation of the UK’s most inspiring social entrepreneurs. The campaign focuses on the entrepreneurs behind the businesses, telling their story and providing inspiration to thousands of others to do more and go further in their businesses.

Scottish enterprise trade visit to New York
This USA Trade Mission, organised on behalf of Scottish Development International, saw 16 Scottish SME’s travelling to the New York to participate in a week-long Market Visit. The trade mission was cross-sectoral, however there was a strong focus on textiles as the visit coincided with New York Fashion Week.

Croydon Built To Compete
Croydon Built to Compete 2 (BTC2) was designed to help Croydon-based organisations in winning new business within the public and private sector. The overall aim of the initiative was to open supply chains, identify procurement opportunities for SMEs in the Borough of Croydon and to promote supplier diversity and sustainable procurement to professionals in major supply chains.

Digital Enterprise Top 100 and 30 Campaign
These two campaigns showcased the remarkable achievements of the businesses who received funding support from Digital Enterprise (DE) through two digital publications and an in-print version for DE30, as well as a wrap-up event for each project.

Business Support Service
The government’s Business Support Service for England offers advice and guidance to new and existing businesses. It has information on national and local schemes, grants and loans to help businesses start and grow.

Let’s Grow Programme
The Let’s Grow Programme provided grants from £25,000 to £1m to cover up to 30% of costs to invest, expand and create or safeguard jobs. Let’s Grow was funded by the Regional Growth Fund, local authorities in the North East and Tees Valley and the York and North Yorkshire Enterprise Partnership.
You have played a key part in our success in leading the growth hub and working so closely with us in developing such an effective model of engagement working with business.Enterprise M3 Growth Hub
It's been a pleasure to work with you all to deliver the health and wellbeing messages to the construction sector. From our initial meetings we have developed vital partnerships as a direct result of working in collaboration with you – we would never have achieved this reach without you!Public Health Wales
Thank you for the hard work over the last six months which has culminated in such a successful peer network programme. Genuinely one of the best examples I’ve seen for a long time.Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
Your team were as always professional, enthusiastic, courteous and amazing. We’ve built a strong working relationship with your team and appreciate your hard work and dedication. You should be very proud of your achievements and the successful and professional delivery of the National Apprenticeship Awards.Apprenticeships Directorate
I just wanted to record our thanks to the team for another fantastic Business Summit. It ran like clockwork and I thought it was by far the best to date. We’ve had really positive feedback from the Mayor’s Office and many people commented on how busy and professional the event was.Tees Valley Combined Authority
You’ve gone above and beyond to make sure things were ready on time and properly tested. It’s testament to the work you put into improving the process - we couldn’t have achieved this without you.Power to Change
A huge thank you for your hard work and support on the COVID-19 recovery grants scheme. It’s been a challenging time for small businesses and the pace and commitment has helped them get quick access to much-needed support.West Yorkshire Combined Authority
You have played a key part in our success in leading the growth hub and working so closely with us in developing such an effective model of engagement working with business.Enterprise M3 Growth Hub
It's been a pleasure to work with you all to deliver the health and wellbeing messages to the construction sector. From our initial meetings we have developed vital partnerships as a direct result of working in collaboration with you – we would never have achieved this reach without you!Public Health Wales
Who’s behind the scenes?
Our team of savvy business experts have decades of experience helping businesses find the right path, overcome obstacles and build bridges.